Sunday 22 June 2008

A new challenge

A look at the shipping forecast last night showed that the race would be cancelled today. The usual maximum for a powerboat race is Force 6. The forecasters were predicting Force 7 gusts.

I expected Thursday to become a race day rather than a lay day and that the race legs would be moved back one day. But the organisers didn't want to change the schedule. So at the 9.30 delayed briefing, we were asked to deliver our boats by road.

Getting the right transport within hours on Sunday morning to deliver the whole fleet to Milford Haven was a considerable challenge. We struck lucky and the second name in the yellow pages produced a flat-bed articulated truck.

Too big, of course, but it was transport and we had found it for the boat. So within a short while, Black Gold was loaded and Roger and I were on our way in the truck cab.

At Milford Haven, high winds stopped the crane from working so we couldn't launch Black Gold. The driver had a night in the car park to look forward to, and the crew went off to the mayor's reception - a rather sparse do as most of the teams were still on the road.

Then came needed luxury. Roger and I had our first physio session, part of an effort to recover from yesterday's hard work.

Despite our Ullman suspension seats and body belts and back support, we still take a terrible pounding. So we have physio in each stop.

One of the longest legs is set for tomorrow - up to Bangor in Northern Ireland. First we have to get Black Gold off the lorry and into the water, and boat and crew up to the start line.

News from Bangor tomorrow.

- Gavin June 22nd

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